Hello. I was wondering if there is a shader that does a transition effect look like this:
It may seem a bit confusing, but I’ll explain it better: I want a transition that covers all directions (not just one). I’ve tried several tutorials on transitions and they all teach how to make a transition in one direction only, as in this image:

Does anyone have any ideas?
It’s not really clear what exact effect you’re after. Do you mean some sort of dissolve / disintegrate like in the shader i’ve posted over here? For this you just need to have a mask image with the gradients as you want them. The dissolve value is just an offset / threshold. In the shader i’ve posted the mask does a hard edge due to this line:
fixed mask = clamp(tex2D(_MaskTex, i.uv).a+0.004,0,1) - _Disolve>0?1:0;
However if you want a smooth blending you would need to create a proper alpha blending value instead.