Is there a shortcut or function to zero out the Y-coordinate of a Vector3?

I’m making a 3D game and I want to know what position my gameObject has on the XZ axis.

I could do:

Vector3 pos = myTransform.position
pos.y = 0;


Vector3 pos = new Vector3(myTransform.position.x,0,myTransform.position.z);

Is there a function in Vector3 to do that, or should I make one myself?

Nothing built in, no. You can certainly make one yourself. I’d use an “extension function” e.g. (uncomplied, example only)

static public class VectorExtensions
   static public Vector3 XZPlane(this Vector3 vec)
       return new Vector3(vec.x,0,vec.z);


Vector3 XZpos= myTransform.position.XZPlane();

For more details, Bunny83 has posted a complete V3 to V2 extension class on another question:

There is not a straight forward way that I know of no. However there is a workaround you can use.

Vector3.Scale: this method lets you scale the components of one vector by the components of the other.
So if you scaled your transforms position by a vector (1,0,1) then it would kill the Y value and leave the X and Z untouched.

However this then can look odd when skim reading your code later so personally I opted for the root of just writing extension methods for Transform that let me zero out the components individually.

  • one think that u can do is do a
    Constant Vector3 like this public:
    Vector3 ZeroY = new Vector3(1,0,1);
  • and them Multp. the Vector witth the
    transform position:

Vector3 pos = myTransform.position * ZeroY;