I'd like to create a predator-like cloak effect for the player. Is there a simple way of accomplishing this?
Check this out: http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=Shield
If you're looking for a Predator like cloak then you should look into refraction shaders (there're a few good links I'll give more specific ones at the end).
Here's a refraction shader on the community wiki, haven't tried it personally but it might suit your needs.
I'm not sure there's a good way to do this without delving into shaders a bit so depending on your idea of simple my answer might not be what you were looking for. In any case, here are some more links:
A short discussion on this technique on GameDev.net using OpenGL and Cg
If nothing else I hope this solves it for you or at least gets you started :)