Is there a built in UI way to measure distances in the editor in Unity?
I end up creating a 3D cube and rescaling it in a 2D view to measure things.
Is there a simpler way to do this?
Is there a built in UI way to measure distances in the editor in Unity?
I end up creating a 3D cube and rescaling it in a 2D view to measure things.
Is there a simpler way to do this?
at least asset store has few
so i’d think could use those, or make own simple tool.
theres all kind of tools api in editor:
Use the grid in the scene view.
I just use the grid. If a single grid square it 1 metre by one metre, and there’s ten of those between two points, then thats going to be a about ten metres.
Alternatively, the asset store has some tools, or you could make your own tool. I just feel these are a bit unnecessary when you can just use the grid.
Wait until you find out about diagonal lines.
For each diagonal square in the grid, you add 1.44 metre instead of 1.
Add 1.5 if you want easy mental calculation, it’s just 4% error at the end.
This only works if you’re measuring immediately adjacent diagonals.
If I need accurate measurement, like the height of an object, for bounding box. Then the grid is not really helpful, as I want accuracy to be much higher.
Th way I do it right now, is just create a 1x1x1 box, and “scale it” with the scaling tool/widget in Unity, then I can see it’s scale dimensions O_O