Is there a timer that can start when game starts and stops when the game ends in Javascript?

Is there a way where I can have timer start when a button is clicked and stops when the game ends in Javascript with this code? That way, when the player starts the game then ends it, they can see how long it took them to finish the game.

#pragma strict

private var startTime : float;
var textTime : String;
function Start() {

	startTime = Time.time;

function OnGUI () {

	var guiTime = Time.time - startTime; 
	var minutes : int = guiTime / 60;
	var seconds : int = guiTime % 60;
	var fraction : int = (guiTime * 100) % 100;
	textTime = String.Format ("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", minutes, seconds, fraction); 
	GetComponent(GUIText).text = textTime;

You can use C#'s System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch class. There are examples
at the bottom of the link on how it’s used. You would just need to start it when the button is clicked in your OnGUI and end it whenever your game ends. Then just used the Elapsed member to get the number of seconds between start and stop.