Since this is the first result for “unity snap to grid” in Google, I figured we should also have an updated answer here for newer Unity versions and for the benefit of other people landing on this page.
I scoured the docs, but it doesn't look like this is something configurable. Instead, I wrote this little editor script that does essentially the same thing. (Note- It will always round down, but this could be pretty easily fixed)
Place this script in a folder named "Editor", and hit CTRL-L or open Edit/AutoSnap to access the menu.
@script ExecuteInEditMode()
class autoSnap extends EditorWindow
var prevPosition : Vector3;
var doSnap : boolean = false;
var snapValue: float = 1;
@MenuItem("Edit/Auto Snap %_l")
static function Init ()
var window : autoSnap = EditorWindow.GetWindow(autoSnap);
function OnGUI()
doSnap = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Autosnap", doSnap);
snapValue = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Snap Value", snapValue);
function Update()
if(Selection.transforms.Length > 0 && !EditorApplication.isPlaying)
if(doSnap && Selection.transforms[0].position != prevPosition)
function snap()
for(i = 0; i < Selection.transforms.Length; i++)
var t : Vector3 = Selection.transforms*.transform.position;*
*t.x = round(t.x);*
*t.y = round(t.y);*
*t.z = round(t.z);*
_Selection.transforms*.transform.position = t;*_
_*prevPosition = Selection.transforms[0].position;*_
_*// Nothing to move.*_
_*Debug.LogError("Nothing to move. " + e);*_
_*function round(input : float)*_
_*var snappedValue : float;*_
<em>_snappedValue = snapValue * Mathf.Round((input / snapValue));_</em>
I found the scripts in here would fail once the auto snap window was closed. It has to do with the update event. I’ve also added snap to scaling, so here’s my version:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class AutoSnap : EditorWindow
private Vector3 prevPosition;
private Vector3 prevScale;
private Vector3 prevRotation;
// These need to be static because the auto snap window is
// recreated when opened from the menu
private static bool doSnap = false;
private static bool doScaleSnap = false;
private static bool doRotateSnap = false;
private static float snapValueX = 1;
private static float snapValueY = 1;
private static float snapValueZ = 1;
private static float snapRotateValue = 1;
// We need to remember the window doing the snap updates
// so it will do it when the window is closed
private static AutoSnap updateWindow = null;
private const string doSnapKey = "AutoSnap_doSnapKey";
private const string doScaleSnapKey = "AutoSmap_doScaleSnapKey";
private const string doRotateSnapKey = "AutoSnap_doRotateSnapKey";
private const string snapValueXKey = "AutoSnap_snapValueXKey";
private const string snapValueYKey = "AutoSnap_snapValueYKey";
private const string snapValueZKey = "AutoSnap_snapValueZKey";
private const string snapRotateValueKey = "AutoSnap_snapRotateValueKey";
[MenuItem( "Edit/Auto Snap %_l" )]
static void Init()
// Debug.Log("AutoSnap: Init");
AutoSnap window = (AutoSnap)EditorWindow.GetWindow( typeof( AutoSnap ) );
window.maxSize = new Vector2( 200, 125 );
public void OnGUI()
// Debug.Log("AutoSnap: OnGUI");
doSnap = EditorGUILayout.Toggle( "Auto Snap", doSnap );
doScaleSnap = EditorGUILayout.Toggle( "Auto Snap Scale", doScaleSnap);
doRotateSnap = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Auto Snap Rotation", doRotateSnap);
snapValueX = EditorGUILayout.FloatField( "Snap X Value", snapValueX );
snapValueY = EditorGUILayout.FloatField( "Snap Y Value", snapValueY );
snapValueZ = EditorGUILayout.FloatField( "Snap Z Value", snapValueZ );
snapRotateValue = EditorGUILayout.FloatField ("Rotation Snap Value", snapRotateValue);
public void Update()
if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying && Selection.transforms.Length > 0)
// Debug.Log("AutoSnap: Update");
if ( doSnap
&& Selection.transforms[0].position != prevPosition )
prevPosition = Selection.transforms[0].position;
if ( doScaleSnap
&& Selection.transforms[0].localScale != prevScale)
prevScale = Selection.transforms[0].localScale;
if ( doRotateSnap
&& Selection.transforms[0].eulerAngles != prevRotation )
prevRotation = Selection.transforms[0].eulerAngles;
private void Snap()
// Debug.Log("AutoSnap: Snap");
foreach ( var transform in Selection.transforms )
var t = transform.transform.position;
t.x = RoundX( t.x );
t.y = RoundY( t.y );
t.z = RoundZ( t.z );
transform.transform.position = t;
private void ScaleSnap()
// Debug.Log("AutoSnap: ScaleSnap");
foreach ( var transform in Selection.transforms )
var s = transform.transform.localScale;
s.x = ScaleRoundX(s.x);
s.y = ScaleRoundY(s.y);
s.z = ScaleRoundZ(s.z);
transform.transform.localScale = s;
private void RotateSnap()
// Debug.Log("AutoSnap: RotateSnap");
foreach (var transform in Selection.transforms)
var r = transform.transform.eulerAngles;
r.x = RotateRound (r.x);
r.y = RotateRound (r.y);
r.z = RotateRound (r.z);
transform.transform.eulerAngles = r;
private float RoundX( float input )
return snapValueX * Mathf.Round( ( input / snapValueX ) );
private float RoundY( float input )
return snapValueY * Mathf.Round( ( input / snapValueY ) );
private float RoundZ( float input )
return snapValueZ * Mathf.Round( ( input / snapValueZ ) );
private float ScaleRoundX( float input )
return snapValueX * Mathf.Round( ( input / snapValueX ) );
private float ScaleRoundY( float input )
return snapValueY * Mathf.Round( ( input / snapValueY ) );
private float ScaleRoundZ( float input )
return snapValueZ * Mathf.Round( ( input / snapValueZ ) );
private float RotateRound( float input )
return snapRotateValue * Mathf.Round( ( input / snapRotateValue ) );
public void OnEnable()
// Debug.Log("AutoSnap: OnEnable");
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(doSnapKey))
doSnap = EditorPrefs.GetBool(doSnapKey);
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(doScaleSnapKey))
doScaleSnap = EditorPrefs.GetBool(doScaleSnapKey);
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(doRotateSnapKey))
doRotateSnap = EditorPrefs.GetBool(doRotateSnapKey);
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(snapValueXKey))
snapValueX = EditorPrefs.GetFloat(snapValueXKey);
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(snapValueYKey))
snapValueY = EditorPrefs.GetFloat(snapValueYKey);
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(snapValueZKey))
snapValueZ = EditorPrefs.GetFloat(snapValueZKey);
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(snapRotateValueKey))
snapRotateValue = EditorPrefs.GetFloat(snapRotateValueKey);
// Here, if a previous auto snap window was doing updates,
// remove it
if (updateWindow != null)
EditorApplication.update -= updateWindow.Update;
// Now make this window handle the updates
EditorApplication.update += Update;
public void OnDisable()
Debug.Log("AutoSnap: OnDisable");
EditorPrefs.SetBool(doSnapKey, doSnap);
EditorPrefs.SetBool(doScaleSnapKey, doScaleSnap);
EditorPrefs.SetBool(doRotateSnapKey, doRotateSnap);
EditorPrefs.SetFloat(snapValueXKey, snapValueX);
EditorPrefs.SetFloat(snapValueYKey, snapValueY);
EditorPrefs.SetFloat(snapValueZKey, snapValueZ);
EditorPrefs.SetFloat(snapRotateValueKey, snapRotateValue);
// Remember we're doing the updates
updateWindow = this;
// Normally you'd remove the window, however we don't
// as we want the snapping to continue when this window is closed
//EditorApplication.update -= Update;