Is there a way for the user to say something and for the app to respond?

Hi, everyone. I was wondering if there was a way (via script) to do something on the condition that the user is saying something, e.g "Turn left" and the player turns left. Thanks in advance!!

Voice recongition AFAIK haven't been released openly, as it would need to use a plugin for an external application. If you find one, please tell me, I also need it. But here's a start place to research

and a free app with support for voice recognition

It have a script that works out of the box on windows and glovepie programming is quite simple too. if your need just a handful of commands, you can use glovepie's voice recognition to emulate inputs on a joystick and set the commands in unity's input manager. But of course, using a plugin would lead you to a much better control, as you could recognize the voice commands as string inputs and make a much more complex and entertaining experience.