Is there a way for us to set which objects in our scene are affected by Indirect Lighting reflections?

Hey all,

In my Unity 6 HDRP project I have a jeep in my scene that looks as intended when I have the Indirect Lighting Controller override’s Reflection Lighting Multiplier set to 1.

Unfortunately, this seems to really throw off the lighting/appearance of other objects in my scene. For example, I have ferns in the scene that go from looking normal to having a brightened/high contrast appearance from the reflections. Full album of the visual differences here.

Setting the Indirect Lighting to 0 then ruins the reflective appearance of the jeep. Any solutions/advice would be greatly appreciated!

The solution just came down to splitting up the existing reflection probes in the scene, adjusting their position, and then lowering/raising the “Multiplier” value in the Probe’s Render Settings as needed to tweak how much reflection lighting affected specific areas.

Reflection Lighting Multiplier needs to stay 1 for reflections to work in general.