One thing ive never found very easy when im moving props around a scene, is knowing exactly when its mesh starts intersecting another, for example if i want to place a chair on the floor, when does its legs start intersecting the floor?!. I spend forever having to zoom in and accurately place things (or they end up floating slightly in the air)
I was wondering if anyone know of any tools or tricks to help with this? Its something im hoping unity may improve on in the future - perhaps turning the meshes outline white when and where it starts intersecting.
Thanks for any help!
I’ve read that there’s various hotkeys/assets etc. that supposedly snap objects together but nothing ever worked reliably for me. What I do now is the following:
- For objects that should sit “flush” with things, like a chair, I create or modify the mesh (Using Probuilder or Blender) such that the pivot/origin of the mesh is as the “flush” position. So for a chair, it would be at the very bottom of the chair legs.
- Then to put the chair on the floor, it just needs to live at y = 0. (I also make sure the top surface of my “floor” is always at 0.
In addition to that, kind of strategy I started using ProGrids:
thanks, yeah - i dont always have the discipline to export models at the correct points 
Currently im trying to align rocks on an uneaven surface and what im really after is some indication of when the mesh starts to intersect another. Hopfully its something that gets looked at in the future