Is there a way to adjust the exposure of a Webcam using a WebcamTexture?

Using Unity pro 4.6. I can read from the webcam, and display it. However, it’s washed out. I know the camera has exposure control, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to talk to the underlying webcam in unity. Seems like it should be there – what am I missing?

I haven’t found any way to do this via Unity but the AVPro Live Camera asset can adjust lots of the parameters brightness, gamma, exposure, etc. Have a look at the CameraExplorerDemo scene and in particular the demo script. It looks like you can enumerate and modify settings exposed by each particular type of camera. I’ve not yet fully integrated this into my project but it looks promising. I’m on 5.3.4p1 but the page indicates that it works on 4.6.2.