is there a way to connect rigidbodies with cloth

So is there a way to connect rigidbodies with cloth component? Like 4 balls connected to each corner of a cloth plane and run physics?

I don’t think you can just make the spheres children of the cloth, since they won’t follow the physics simulation, but you should be able to do it through code. It’d work something like this:

    // vertexIndex is the vertex of the cloth you want
    // the sphere to follow (so for the corners, vertex 0 should be the
    // upper left, vertex cloth.vertices.Length - 1 should be the lower
    // right, etc.
    private void FollowVertex(Rigidbody sphere, int vertexIndex)
        // Get the position of the vertex you want to follow
        Vector3 vertexToFollowPos = cloth.vertices[vertexIndex];
        // Transform point into world space
        Vector3 transformedPos = cloth.transform.TransformPoint(vertexToFollowPos);
        // Set the position of the sphere
        sphere.position = transformedPos;

And then you’d just call FollowVertex four times per Update, one for each sphere.

I hope this helps!