Is there a way to debug why labels is not localized when switching locale?

Hi. I’ve succesfully localized all my interface but there’s two labels that don’t want to update itself when I’m switching locale and I can’t understand why. I’m setting dataPath of these labels in UIBuilder. At runtime I’m setting dataSource of root VisualElement to my config class in which I have properties like

    [field: SerializeField]
    public LocalizedString Title { get; set; }

    public string TitleString => Title.GetLocalizedString();

Everywhere this setup works perfectly and when I switch locale text is changing without any issues. But in one place it works only if I set updateTrigger to “EveryUpdate”. Anyone have any ideas why these particular labels don’t update and is there a way to debug the cause of this?

You could try adding a breakpoint into LocalizedString.binding.cs Update method. This should get called when the locale changed.