Is there a way to do Texture upsampling?

Hi, I get that the primary use of Muse Texture is to generate textures from prompts, but is there a way to input the textures I have to upsample/upscale them from say 10241024 to 40964096?

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Hi @JiRo_Dev! At the moment we don’t expose the upscaler to user-provided textures. I’ll discuss this with the team. For now you may be able to achieve something close to what you want by using your texture as an input image and setting the strength to 0, then upscale one of the outputs, however it will be a bit different from your input image.

I see, well it would be cool to see how good your upscaler is, especially for textures with complex UV mapping where the algo needs to understand and keep the outline of faces intact but upscales the details inside them…