Is there a way to do this?

Hi all,

I’m currently making a 2D board game and what I’m trying to do is give a user the ability to import package while in play mode, when the user selects browse on the gui then a simple file browser will open up and allow a user to select a folder or other package that contains png images within it, upon selecting the package those images will be dragged into the game at position 0 and put onto planes so that the user can drag and drop all the different images in whatever location they want.

Could really use a hand or a shove in the right direction.

Thanks all :smile:

Try the WWW class, it can load local files as well as http:


var url = "file://C:/dir/image.png";
var www : WWW = new WWW (url);
// Wait for download to complete
yield www;
var texture = www.texture;
