Hi There
I have a skill system and for better or worse I decided that I would create a list of these skills and attach the list to a persistent game object in the scene for easy loading and editing.
My skill looks a bit like:
public class Skill
public enum SkillType { None, Dagger, Shortsword, FireBolt, etc.... }
public SkillType Skill = SkillType.None;
public SkillHandler Handler = null;
The list would look something like:
public class SkillList : MonoBehaviour
public List[] Skills = null;
and I then have:
public abstract class SkillHandler : ScriptableObject
public abstract void UseSkill(Skill skill, Character character);
And perhaps:
public class WeaponSkill : SkillHandler
public override void UseSkill(Skill skill, Character character)
// do something useful
Having dragged my SkillList onto an object that persists throughout the game, I can see each skill I add, which is great and I can add the data required to manage each skill, but although I can see the SkillHandler, the inspector will not allow me to drag the subclassed WeaponSkill onto the field, which is decidedly frustrating.
I am happy to hear alternative solutions, but I’m really asking if this is possible, or for something grander than a switch statement that might provide an ‘elegant’ solution.