I’m using cloud code to grant a user some items:
inventoryApi.addInventoryItem(projectId, playerId, { inventoryItemId: chestContents[i].ID });
Is there a way to pass in an integer to represent the quantity of said item that should be granted to the user? Right now I have loot boxes that give a random quantity of each item in the loot box between 1 and 5, for a max possibility of 15 item rewards. Right now I have to run this in a for loop which makes 15 inventoryapi calls which I feel like is going to be a bunch of unneccesary requests.
Infact, while testing this script in cloud code I had to run the test code a few times back-to-back and I think this triggered a limit, as I started getting “There was an error test running the script. Please try again.” errors on any script I tried to run for a few minutes.
I’ve looked through the ‘command batching’ use case found here: com.unity.services.samples.use-cases/CommandBatch_ProcessBatch.js at main · Unity-Technologies/com.unity.services.samples.use-cases (github.com)
But this doesn’t seem to be a solution to this problem.
We had to add our own support for ‘stackable’ items. You could add something like ‘stackable : true’ or ‘amount : 0’ in the item definition’s customData then test for it. It true or exists then manage the changing item balance using it’s instanceData object.
It isn’t currently possible to add multiple items to a player’s inventory in a single call, but it is someting we are investigating. I’ll add both your voices to the existing feature request for Inventory batch operations. Being able to add or remove multiple inventory items in a single API call will be much more efficient.
Yes, this is exactly what I have been doing.
I have an RPG style inventory experiment that uses Custom Data to configure how different items can be stacked and control how many item slots chests and containers can hold. I manipulate all the items locally on the client holding a clean and dirty state then synchronise them back to the Economy server less frequently, using the Instance data to hold the quantity for each stack.
This gets around the problem of having a crazy amount of calls and network requests as the player runs around collecting loot, but it does mean there will be opportunities for the player’s local and server inventory state to get out of sync, so needs to be handled carefully.
When I get my experiment cleaned up I’ll share more detail
My Custom Data looks like
"category": "FOOD",
"slots": 0,
"quantity": 1,
"maxStack": 6,
"isStackable": true,
"canPickup": true,
"assetName": "Apple"
Still not possible to add multiple items in one call
How’s it looking in 2024? Are we able to batch currency calls yet as well? (i.e. updating multiple currencies at the same time). At the moment I’m having to update my currencies sequentially (1st currency, then if successful, 2nd currency…) and it’s a bit unreliable.