Is there a way to hide terrain grass using a shader like a depth mask.

I want to be able to have a blockout/collision shape for certain objects that will not render the part of the grass that’s inside/under the shape. I have found a shader called a depth mask online, it kind of works, but it hides everything through it, just wondering if theres a way to specifically make it only hide grass. Thanks. This is the mask I’m talking about DepthMask-Unity-Shader/DepthMask.shader at master · doomlaser/DepthMask-Unity-Shader · GitHub.

Just want to bump this up, and explain a little more in depth, my character can place a tent down in game, and i want a spherical mask under the tent to stop terrain grass from coming through the tent. Could anyone help me do such a thing?
My grass is being rendered using the default terrain details method.

I’m looking for exactly the same thing. Did you find any solution?