Is there a way to make assests that are independant from their coliders?

Hello, I am no coder (I am actualy new to unity) I am actually an artist but I got a question to see if this is possible in Unity.

Is there a way to make the visual model, independant of the collider (or hitbox if you will).

I want to use pre-made model assets to leave as placeholders, but my programmer is telling me that it is not possible to just switch the “visual model” since he haves to work all the colider from scratch again and he doesnt wants to do that, though hes asking me to work on the final models so that we can work it off and finish the colider that way he doesnt haves to do the whole colider again.

What do you guys think?

You can definitely divorce collider from visual model.

You can just put a sphere on the model if you want, or a couple of spheres to approximate the model’s bulk better.

If you use a MeshCollider, one of its arguments is the mesh. You CAN use the same mesh as the visual mesh, or you can use a different mesh.

This applies to both 2D and 3D, with obviously the difference in object names (sphere to circle, cube to box, mesh to polygon, etc.)

Is your programmer creating a collider from the visual mesh at runtime? Or is he doing it by hand? If he’s using some tool to generate a collider then I’m not sure why he’d so strongly object to “work all the collider from scratch again”.

Generally speaking, you often don’t want to use the visual mesh as a collider since it often has far too many polygons than what’s needed, and can be less efficient than, say, a convex hull. Or maybe just run the visual mesh through a mesh simplification tool several times to use as the collider if you need a more-accurate-than-a-box placeholder.