Is there a way to notify the player remotely ?

I need to explain myself :

I want to know if there is a way to notify a player with whatever I want. The objective is to display something like “there is a new update” in the game menu.

I have absloutely no idea about how to do it, is there anyone who could help me ?

You created and wrote the menu, right? So you could display whatever you want there. Is the problem how to get that information? You’ll need to get it over the network. There are different approaches, but if you want to display that there is some new update, then the game would probably establish a connection with some server of yours, which provides these informations you want the player to see upon launching your game.

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The cheapest & easier way would be to make a published GoogleSheet, then you could load it from the app without any login from the www class as plain text.
From this google sheet, you write your last app version then compare it with the use app version.

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I mean honestly, that’s the same thing Yoreki said… Yoreki just said “some server of yours”, where as you just suggested using google docs as “your server”.

But yeah, in the end you don’t send the information to the user. Instead the user polls for that information. Just like was suggested… you request the information from some server when the menu opens.

The exact specifics of that (use google docs with a spreadsheet, have a method on some php/asp/node.js/etc web service, have a dl file, whatever), that’s up to you and what means you have available to you with a server.

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Well the “Some server of yours” require setup :slight_smile:
Google sheet to google publish is a 2 clicks thing and it’s free :smile:

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I would recommend to use Remote Config and have a remote version variable or similar that you can check, it’s a great solution to check for updates. You would compare it to the version that user already has by using Unity - Scripting API: Application.version . You can either notify the user there is an upgrade, or force the user to upgrade if necessary.


I use Remote Settings for this sort of thing. Specifically I use it to populate a “news” window when the player first launches the game. Usually I just put whatever changes came in the latest build, but I can fill it with anything I want at any time without creating a new build. Pretty handy once you get it working.

I haven’t tried Remote Config, but it looks like a new expanded version of Remote Settings, but as far as I know Remote Settings hasn’t been deprecated either.

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Remote Settings will be deprecated May 2021 in favor of Remote Config.


Not to be too cynical… but still cynical.

That’s sort of the reason I avoid tools that rely on remote hosting for free (including the google docs suggestion from before). You never know when it poofs.

Staying on an old version of Unity can be fine… that’s a thing you locally build and it works. But relying on a remote API that may disappear becomes a late life support issue.


Wow thank you for those answers, I will take a look and see if it works !