Hi, I have my game controllable via UnityRemote, and was wondering if there is an asset or something that allows you to record what you do in the game view and convert it to an animation once you press stop?
Basically, Press play in unity, play your game a bit, and when you press stop, your game-play was recorded into an animation clip.
Cheers, Tim.
FRAPS is the de facto game screen/video capture software.
I don’t know any ready-to-use solution, but I’ve made a demo-recording system for a racing game. Of course it only records the position / rotation / velocity of the car in snapshots. It doesn’t create an AnimationClip since they are ment for pre-made animations. You should roll your own system for recording and playback your game. In most cases you want additional events to be recorded as well. Things like that are almost impossible or very hard to do with unity’s animation system.