Is there a way to use ECS physics as well as standart UnityEngine physics together?

As soon as I add any Gameobject with a rigidbody to a subscene, the normal gameobject physics stop working. Is there a way to have both work at the same time, or can you only use one at a time?

They won’t interact.

And rididbody/colliders are converted to unity physics hence they no longer work with gameobject physics.

If you want both for some reason, you’d need to keep your gameobject physics objects outside of subscenes.

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Even my Gameobjects outside the subscene don’t work when I add any rigidbody to a baked entity though

Yes, adding a rigidbody to a baked entity deletes the rigidbody and converts to a unity physics components.

GameObjects interact with GameObjects
Entities interact with Entities

GameObjects do not interact with Entities in 1.x

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I get that, but none of my other rigidbodies, that are outside the subscene work anymore, after adding a rigidbody in any subscene, even the ones that are outside subscenes, is what I meant

If you have an open subscene this might be a side effect of making live baking work(physx is disabled).

“Rigidbody components that move in PlayMode will now correctly snap back to their original position when exiting PlayMode while the containing sub scene is open for editing. As part of the fix, the classic PhysX-based physics simulation is now temporarily and globally disabled while in PlayMode with an open sub scene that contains classic Rigidbody authoring components. The Unity Physics-based physics simulation is unaffected during that time.”

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