Dear comm(Unity),
Right now I have a particlesystem that lights fire to everything it touches (like trees, crates, etc) as long as the object is tagged as “Flammable” (I tag flammable objects as “Flammable” and put a FlammableObjectScript.cs on them. Something like this:
OnParticleCollision (GameObject other)
if (other.tag == "Flammable"){
other.GetComponent<FlammableObjectScript>().onFire = true;}
It works great, BUT there is one caveat. I have some breakable wooden and metal crates from Unity asset store which are tagged “crushObj”. If I take the tag off them, I’m pretty sure the “Breaking” animation will no longer work on them, and Unity does not support multiple tags. Does anyone know a better alternative to tags which I can use to check if an object should be flammable or have the script I’m looking for?