Is there an estimated time for a Unity Hub 2.2.1 launch fix?


I know there are a ton of posts regarding this, but I was wondering if there was an expected timeframe of a fix when downloading and installing the latest version of Unity Hub (the one that is downloaded when you go to the downloads page) on a “clean” (fresh OS install) and Unity Hub doesn’t even start.


Same here, after installation of 2.2.1 the hub doesn’t launch :hushed:

Hi again, i solved, check my comment on Unity Hub 2.2.1 - Unity will not launch

hope it helps


Thanks for the response.

I understand there are hack solutions, I am asking about the expected time for an official fix.

Let me clarify that -

What I mean by “official fix” is that the following user story works:

On a clean machine (fresh OS install),

User navigates to Unity’s website.
User navigates through all those crazy pages (wtf?) to get to the download page
User signs their life away by checking the box(es)
User downloads the Unity Hub setup executable
User launches the Unity Hub setup executable
User launches Unity Hub

Where […] is assuming everything else is not borked, like installing a version of Unity, loading projects from the Hub, etc…
