Hello, I was trying to use Input.mouseScrollDelta to check if a user scrolled up, down, left or right to check the direction of a gesture on both the Magic Mouse and macOS track pad. Everything seemed to work fine, however, it seems as if the Input.mouseScrollDelta is not designed to work with such devices. The main problem I am facing is that the Input.mouseScrollDelta works by PC mouse scroll wheel clicks, one click equals one input. Every swipe on the Mac counts as many as 8 to 200 scroll wheel clicks for the equivalent PC mouse scroll wheel. The only way to stop this from happening is to let the scroll fully stop registering as input and then re-enable to capture more inputs. The problem is that I need the input to be very quick so that it can capture more directional swipe inputs. Currently it takes a full 2 seconds to stop registering input, even from a very light scroll. This won’t work for what I am trying to achieve and I was wondering if there is any other way to go about this problem. I have also tried to adjust the values in the if statements, however, this still does not fix the problem. Thank you for your time.
// block the input from getting called multiple times, re-enable after Vector2.zero
private bool isReset = true;
public void OnGUI()
void MouseInputMethod()
if (isReset == true)
if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y > 1f)
isReset = false;
if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y < -1f)
isReset = false;
if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.x > 1)
isReset = false;
if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.x < -1f)
isReset = false;
IEnumerator ResetZero()
// wait until the vectors have returned to 0
while (Input.mouseScrollDelta != Vector2.zero)
// wait a frame to make sure that the input is the final scoll click
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
// check to see if this is the final scroll click
if (Input.mouseScrollDelta == Vector2.zero)
// wait one more frame
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
// check once more to make sure that this is the final scroll click
if (Input.mouseScrollDelta == Vector2.zero)
// reset the isReset to true so the input can continue to be read
isReset = true;
// break out
// if there is more clicks left continue the while statement