Hey all, I’ve taken a big interest in wanting to learn how to make tools. Things like custom editors, inspectors and scene view. I’ve taken a look at documentation around custom editors but the examples aren’t super helpful for what I’m hoping to do. Does anyone have any resources to share when it comes to learning tool dev? Thanks!
Have you tried searching for “unity custom editor tutorial”?
Unity Learn for 2018.1, guess most of it applies for later versions.
I use this a lot.
Not all of them have script examples so you have to piece it together sometimes.
For example, If you wanted to make a custom terrain painting tool then this would be useful.
or maybe you want to add a custom scene template.
Also, classes are a good way to see what you can override/implement yourself. For example,
I used that reference to make custom editor gizmos.
The Learn section has a few topics on editor tools.
and this might be useful too.
Thanks for replying! I have seen this before but it didn’t really help me learn if that makes sense? I’ll give it another go.
Thanks for the reply. I find that the hardest part is the piecing together of information. I’ll definitely be referencing these more thank you.