So I did several hours of research before asking this question. It then got about 10 views before it was pushed off the front page by other questions.
Is there anything I can do within UnityAnswers forum guidelines to get this question seen by more people? I suspect it may be just bad luck that many new questions appeared at the same time. And does this point to better times of the day to ask a question than others?
A non-ofensive trick is to add a new comment to bump your question to the top - kinda “bump!”, “Nobody?”, etc. But only do that if your question was swept to the second or third Unanswered pages! Many guys (me included) search the unanswered questions trying to “fish” some interessant question - but I suspect most of them hardly will reach the fourth page.
Latelly UA has been messed up due to retagging - old questions were retagged and bumped to the front page (they shouldn’t), quickly burying the most recent ones.
But the reason for some question to remain unanswered maybe simply that nobody knows a good answer! In this case, following @DaveA’s suggestion is the best thing to do!