Is There Any Scripts For Helicopter ?

hello im Haqiem can call me Qiem. OK now im having a trouble with helicopter. is there any scripts for helicopter i really needed it

What trouble are you having? What have you tried?

As @tedthebug asks: “What have you tried so far? What can we help you with in writing your helicopter controller?”

If you don’t want to write one, look at the Asset Store or wiki:

Searching the asset store for “helicopter” gets some good results:

You may also want to look at the wiki and see if there is anything there:

I have a problem with a scripts i find it at YouTube and the scripts does not work for me. And i go to web to search the script but it still don`t work for me. I hope that you can give me a link to helicopter script

Have you tried to get the script you have to work? How is it not working? Post your code (using code tags) & copy all the errors from your console as well of details of what you have done to try & fix them. Otherwise use the links above to try & buy a solution from the asset store or post in the collaboration thread if you want someone to work with you.

Ill try what "tedthebug" said but when it worked it have wrong alignment button like when i press l it should go front but it go back. so heres the script that i get from website (
#pragma strict

var rotateSpeed = 25.0;
var speed = 50.0;

function Update() {
var transAmount = speed * Time.deltaTime;
var rotateAmount = rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

if (Input.GetKey(“w”)) {
transform.Rotate(rotateAmount, 0, 0);

if (Input.GetKey(“s”)) {
transform.Rotate(-rotateAmount, 0, 0);
if (Input.GetKey(“a”)) {
transform.Rotate(0, -rotateAmount, 0);
if (Input.GetKey(“d”)) {
transform.Rotate(0, rotateAmount, 0);

if (Input.GetKey (“q”)) {
transform.Rotate(0, 0, rotateAmount);

if (Input.GetKey (“e”)) {
transform.Rotate(0, 0, -rotateAmount);

if (Input.GetKey (“o”)) {
transform.Translate(0, 0, transAmount);

if (Input.GetKey (“l”)) {
transform.Translate(0, 0, (transAmount * 2));


Can you please use code tags when posting code on the forum?

Before getting started with a Helicopter, have you had a chance to look at the Learn tab above?

There are scripting lessons, live training sessions and projects for people getting started.

If you get the chance, I’d do the “roll-a-ball” project and the “space shooter” project as a way to get started, then try to approach a Helicopter script once you have some basics understood.

Ok i`ll should try first . Hope it works