I am looking to start make a game this year, I don’t have any experience in programming or Unity for that matter. I was wondering if there are any tutorials out there which are step by step in making a mock throw away game? As this is how I learn best, all this programming stuff just isn’t gelling together for me and I really just want to start using the engine to get a better understanding.
I have found the live online training courses which a Unity user has kindly created, however it is always full but I keep on refreshing the page daily and hopefully will get onto it soon (I want to use as many of these tutorials as possible really)
As I don’t have and Apple Developer Licence yet (can’t afford it until mid next month, I’m also purchasing Unity iOS) does this have any affect on using Unity? I want a bit of a head start and don’t really want to waste a whole month that I could be using to educate myself in preparation for when I start making some investments next month and begin my adventure into game development AKA playing God!
I own an iPhone 4 at the moment, and I am purchasing the iPhone 5 next month, I am going to keep the 4 as I am aware the screen is slightly different and so are it’s hardware capabilities obviously so it would be better if I can test it on both right?
I am looking at making 2.5 mini games but any tutorials at this point would great really.
Any help would be much appreciated