Is there any way to blur the result of mirror reflection shader?

Hi, Does anyone know how to make blured real-time reflections.

A simple method might be to just use a fairly small texture size for the reflection. The resulting filtering might (or might not) be enough of a blurry effect for you needs.

For more information on controlling the filtering of render textures which are created at runtime, check out the "useMipMaps" and "filterMode" variables, listed on this page:

Its a rather old question, but this is what I did here:

Hope it helps Greg

Not exactly what you where asking for, but you can do it 'by hand':

If you have Pro you could create a Render Texture and a camera, set the Render Texture as Target Texture and the Blur effect as a component for this camera. The Render Texture works then as a standard Texture2D.