I started to connect openCV (this is C++ library) with unity3D and recently have known StartCoroutine function.
I thought that function is very useful and finally I implemented opencv call routine in the Coroutine.
But, I could not reach to the point releaseCamera() function calling.
When OnApplicationQuit() function is called Coroutine stop suddenly and releaseCamera is never called.
So I have to call releaseCamera in OnApplicationQuit().
Why I want to call initCamera() and releaseCamera() in Coroutine is I think it is safe all function callings which have relation to web camera device is in same thread.
Anyway, Is there way to catch coroutine ending. I want to release camera in Coroutine ( I Always do this way in real Thread body function )
PS) I have whole code implementation but I can’t attatch file because of file size limitation
You can use a boolean flag to know when the coroutine has finished. In the example below, the game will run until cameraRun becomes false: this will end the coroutine loop, execute releaseCamera() and set the variable cameraActive to false. The code in Update detects when cameraActive becomes false and calls Application.Quit(), ending the game:
// this boolean flag is true while the camera is active:
public bool cameraActive = true;
IEnumerator CameraRun() {
initCamera(cameraWidth, cameraHeight);
while(cameraRun) {
queryNextFrame(cameraDataPtr, cameraWidth * cameraHeight * 3);
yield return null;
// do something job
cameraActive = false;
void Update(){
if (cameraActive == false){
// camera deactivated: you can finish the application: