Is there any way to display unicode characters?

In C#, there are Unicode escape characters but when I pass them to a button, for example, the result is blank. How is this done?

I figured it out! Note the single quotes are required…

            char upArrow = '\u25B2';

It seems to render the Unicode character slightly off to the right though.

Here is a nice listing of available characters: Unicode 15.0 Character Code Charts

If you want to use the inspector to set unicode characters (for example if you wanted to use font-awesome and actually see the icons when the game isn’t running), you follow these steps:

  1. Go to this website and search for the character code you want.
  2. Copy and paste the character from the webpage into the unity inspector.


These can also be used in the console, but as @luislodosm points out characters above \uFFFF are not supported:

Debug.Log ( "\u2665".ToString () + " Text after symbol");