Is there any way to keep the Unity Hub in the taskbar?

I wanna know if it is possible, just so I can open my projects faster.
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I it is, please let me know

That’s the notification area (a.k.a system tray). The taskbar is the space where most of the icons lay.
You can pin apps there by right-clicking on the app in question and choose “Pin to taskbar”.

Unity Hub doesn’t have an “Run on Startup” option, so the icon won’t show up in the notification area.
Though, it will show up once you open Unity Hub and it will stay there unless you right-click on it and
choose “Quit Unity Hub”.

Other than that, there’s not much you could do.

Edit: Actually, there is one possible trick described here:
Use at your own risk, though…


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I didn’t know its name…
Thanks for the info :slight_smile: