Common situation: I am making WebGL build and trying to make it as small as possible. But Unity adding me 3+ mb of unused assets on build:
- Watermarks which I clearly don’t need;
- 3D meshes when I’m having 2D game;
- Some default textures for tooglers and buttons, when I have custom textures there.
Is there any way to exclude this garbage from my build?
No. And it stands to reason whether this affects load times at all if these assets are unused by the build.
Btw, unlike standup comedy there is no such equivalent as “stand art”. 
Of course it affects load time, because users must download this additional 3mb to play the game.
I dare you to add another 3 MB and measure the load time to see if it really doubles. 
You crealy didn’t work with web games, you clearly don’t know how important every MB in web builds and you don’t even know that user must download the whole file before he can start playing. What are trying to prove here? That I need that garbage in my game? No, I don’t. And this garbage decreasing percantage of players who waited for the full download.
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I think I may have already told you in another thread, or perhaps it was someone else. But when you are trying to optimize a webassembly download size below 5 MB AND this is important to your target market (eg mobile 3G players) then Unity just isn‘t the engine of choice.
In all other cases it won‘t matter if your game is 50 or 53 Mb since you are going to add content to it anyway, and the more you add the less the unavoidable overhead weighs in.
The watermark is about the only curious thing here. It is only used in builds made with a student license. And it‘s unclear if the size is the actual compressed size within the webassembly. If you haven‘t be sure to analyze a Master (release) build.
Hi, see this Unity 6 "empty" web build file sizes · GitHub, I think it should answer most of your questions.
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