Currently the best way that is working for may is first to rename the class inside VS Code Editor, then renaming the script file inside Unity editor (Renaming it inside vs code will mess up the assembly connections and other scripts references)
Is there a way similar to VS 2022 like the"CTRL+R", “CTRL+R” functionality? Which renames the class name, the file and refresh the unity project files.
VSCode does not support proper rename refactoring? Wow that‘s harsh.
According to SO his may or may not work with some plugins: How can I refactor file names in Visual Studio Code? - Stack Overflow
There is a reason why there are IDEs, development environments, and the rest (aka better text editors).
Thanks for your reply, I will check it soon. I’ve been using vs community within the last 6-7 years, but currently I would prefer vs code over it though
I use Rider. Itis bot free but more than worth it due to its extremely well done Unity integration including asset browser, search in assets, auto-updating dependencies in asmdef, it knows all the Unity event methods aaand so much more.