Is there no way to create sprite atlas with an editor script and add sprites to said atlas?

Basically what the thread name says. Does this really need to be done manually?

you must be doing something wrong, it takes 3 clicks to make a sprite atlas

I need over 1000 atlases for > 100k sprites. Nice condescending tone though. You’re welcome to do it all manually for me if you’d like.

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I’m not aware of such a process. SpriteAtlas would be much better if they opened it up so that they could be created at both editor-time and runtime via script. Also if you have 100k sprites unless they are all very small or you load carefully that sounds like it could be a problem. I don’t know your situation but it might be wise to look into whether you could use shaders to reduce your texture requirements? For example if there are a bunch of color variants perhaps a shader could be used to produce those variants rather than separate textures.

like i said you are unaware of the basic features of sprite atlas, lucky for you there is something called pagination which already does that automatically

Does not solve my problem, but thankfully I was able to find a solution on my own. Go step off, you’re not impressing anyone. Put on ignore btw.

sensitive guy, hit a sore spot eh? fair enough

Nah, I just think it’s sad seeing people with unwarranted egos (But it was funny watching it blow up in your face) Gotta make sure you know your place little man. Good day :wink:

didn’t you have me on ignore xd? its fine, you will learn about these simple things in time, no need to throw a fit just because you don’t know something. stay salty my friend

vitriol aside, do you remember how you solved this?

Necroposting aside, here is how to…

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It would be useful if you said “I looked at this Editor classes related to Sprite Atlases and tried these things but I am getting this error.”

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