I’ve been playing with U3D and added some models today as I was reading through the tutorials and I noticed that you have to make collision models (like in 3DRad) to get your collision to work. I have nothing against using rigid model so don’t get me wrong, but isn’t there a way to use the models your making in your modelers to get collision? would anyone care to give me tips on how to do this if its possible? It would be much appreciated! (I’m using Cheetah btw)
Thank you,
You don’t need collision models, only a collider attached to the prefab that uses the mesh. if you add it in the editor it will automatically attach the visible mesh, if you do it through code you have to assign the mesh manually I think
But if you use mesh colliders for example the mesh must be correct as only the “outside” will collide.
Also mesh colliders must be convex if you want them to move around, otherwise they will easily kill any performance and fail misserably (non convex colliders are for static environment, not dynamic objects)
You should use primitive colliders (sphere, box, etc.) for most models. For complex shapes like level geometry, use a mesh collider. Usually the mesh collider is the same model you used for the mesh renderer, but if it’s really complex, you might want to use a simplified model for the mesh collider instead.
Got it! Thanks Dreamora, I understand how colliders work now, this is pretty sweet! Great advice, I really appreciate it~
Oh thanks Eric, sorry I didn’t see your post before I posted back to Dreamora. I totally get what you are saying about using primitives for colliders, in the end anywhere you can save a polygon helps the speed of your game. It’s funny, Vickie and I go back and forth about model complexity all the time. She wants these 8000ply models dumped into these indie engines and I keep telling her that it will kill the performance. I guess thats the difference between programmers and artists.
thanks for the advice Eric~