Is there really no way to load a unity 4 lightmap into unity 5?

The subject says it all. I’ve finally decided to give unityt 5 a go and quickly found this was a very bad idea.
All my lightmapping is lost, which includes heavily edited lightmaps for over 30 scenes. Why can’t I just keep the lightmap uv’s and load my old light map?

Whats worse is the time and quality of the new lightmapping. What took minuets in 4 now takes hours and doesn’t look anywhere near as nice!

What am I doing wrong?

Probably a lot, but you’ll need to show screenshots and comparisons.

Create a small scene in 4.x and recreate in 5.x and see how long it takes.

I use unity 4 lightmaps, if you do your UV’s outside unity then you can keep the UV’s identical in both versions if you disable “Generate Lightmap UV’s” when you import your models. I assign them through drag and drop on my own shader but it shouldn’t be impossible to do something more clever.

I’m beginning to get the hand of it. It seems direction lights look a lot different in 5.

It’s still going to take a month or more to get all my light maps back to where they are in 4 thanks to all the extra painting work I did, but luckily that was in Substance Painter so it should all transfer to the new lightmap uv’s.

@sfjohansson , I created some of my uv’s in maya and others in unity so your method might not work :frowning:

Thanks for the replies.