Is there such a thing as a wasteful parameter?

Hey guys

Edit 1 : Wasteful Transition, not parameter.

Just a hypothetical, there are 3 animations, Idle Animation, Run Animation and Jump Animation.
My transition parameter set up is below. would it be good practice to remove actually remove the transition of Jump to Idle, and remove the speed parameter of Jump to Run. So the animation trail would go Jump > Run > Idle. Thoughts ? Should I use/stick with a more intricate transition set up as a “best practice”

Idle to Jump

  • Trigger Jumping
  • Bool IsGrounded

Run to Jump

  • Trigger Jumping
  • Bool IsGrounded

Jump to Run

  • Bool IsGrounded
  • Speed > 0.01f

Jump to Idle

  • Bool IsGrounded
  • Speed < 0.01f

Run to Idle

  • Bool IsGrounded
  • Speed <0.01f

Idle to Run

  • Bool IsGrounded
  • Speed > 0.01f

More transitions and conditions will obviously cost more performance when the engine has to check them, but you’re likely a hundred other inefficient things that have a greater effect on performance. Just do whatever works and gives you the result you want.

Also, you might get some unexpected behaviour with those conditions if the speed is ever exactly 0.01. I don’t use transitions (or even Animator Controllers) because it’s a stupid system, but I think it would be more reliable to use > 0 for the first transition (so it takes priority) and < 0.01 for the other.