Is this analytics's error log?

Unity 4.6.3p2
Analytics v1.8.1
iOS 8.2 ( iPhone 5S )
Unity error
Socket: connect failed, error: Connection refused(61)
connect failed
Failed to connect to player ip:, port: 55000

iPhone error
PlayerConnection initialized from /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/8897D234-C935-4D85-BA66-********/ (debug = 0)

PlayerConnection initialized network socket : 55000

Multi-casting “[IP] [Port] 55000 [Flags] 3 [Guid] 89625122 [EditorId] 1893218378 [Version] 1048832 [Id] iPhonePlayer(*****):56000 [Debug] 1” to []…

Waiting for connection from host on []…

Timed out. Continuing without host connection.

→ applicationDidBecomeActive()

I dont know where print this error log.

Hi @DeadEyes

That doesn’t seem to be produced by the Unity Analytics SDK.
It looks like that error was produced before any Unity C# code was ran, usually if the error is from your C# script,
it will show a stacktrace.