Is this approved way of using Ads

I have an app with twelve small “games”. My question is what is approved:

To unlock the app player must watch an ads.

After that the player have to look at an ad every 60th time, unless paying to remove all ads.

SCENARIO example:
One app is about rolling dices:
a) One video ad every 60th time he/she roll the dices
b) One video ad every 60th time he/she starts the dice game

Also, is once per 60th time ok? …could I lower that to each 50th or lower?


You can see what is considered “invalid activity” at Invalid Activity Policy

So as long as you don’t offer e.g. monetary rewards, I think it should be ok. However also see the “Let the player choose” section from Monetization strategy, I’m personally not sure if players will appreciate being forced to watch an ad at beginning of a game, before they even have seen how the game looks?

Hope it helps, please see the referenced pages for information.


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Txt Rasmus

Well, with one exception, this is not really games I guess. It is an app called “Randomizer Toolbox” and the reward if the player choose to remove the ads is a Maxi Yatzy game.