Is this normal ? What am i doing wrong ?

So i am working on a FPS , now i wanted to make the code a little clean, now i have a script for eachweapon type , and when i want to equip previosly i will seacrh for what type of weapon it is , using getcomponent , as I need to assign some elements.
Now i made a script that does just that for me , Called Weaponscript.cs , now wehn i equip i give the weapon script the variables , wich after will assign them to the gun script. Now the problem:
When i equip , it gives me an error of a missing argument , it doesnt tell me what .
Now in the explorer all the variables are assigned. Is it to slow?
Here is the code:
The controler part:

  private void SwitchWeapons()
                GameObject weapon = Instantiate(Secundary);
                WeaponScript script = weapon.GetComponentInChildren<WeaponScript>();
                script.gunCamera = gunCamera;
                script.currentWeaponText = currentWeaponText;
                script.currentAmmoText = currentAmmoText;
                script.totalAmmoText = totalAmmoText;
                script.gunicon = CurWeapon;

                curweapon = weapon;
            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1))
                GameObject weapon = Instantiate(Primary);
                WeaponScript script = weapon.GetComponentInChildren<WeaponScript>();
                script.gunCamera = gunCamera;
                script.currentWeaponText = currentWeaponText;
                script.currentAmmoText = currentAmmoText;
                script.totalAmmoText = totalAmmoText;
                script.gunicon = CurWeapon;

                curweapon = weapon;

Here is where i give the variables to the Weaponscript
And then the weapon script assigns the variables to the specific gunscript:

 private void Awake()
        HandgunScriptLPFP semi = gameObject.GetComponent<HandgunScriptLPFP>();
        if (semi != null)
            semi.gunCamera = gunCamera;
            semi.currentWeaponText = currentWeaponText;
            semi.currentAmmoText = currentAmmoText;
            semi.totalAmmoText = totalAmmoText;
            semi.gunicon = gunicon;
        AutomaticGunScriptLPFP auto = gameObject.GetComponent<AutomaticGunScriptLPFP>();
        if (auto != null)
            auto.gunCamera = gunCamera;
            auto.currentAmmoText = currentAmmoText;
            auto.totalAmmoText = totalAmmoText;
            auto.gunicon = gunicon;
            auto.currentWeaponText = currentWeaponText;
        PumpShotgunScriptLPFP pump = gameObject.GetComponent<PumpShotgunScriptLPFP>();
        if (pump != null)
            pump.gunCamera = gunCamera;
            pump.currentAmmoText = currentAmmoText;
            pump.totalAmmoText = totalAmmoText;
            pump.gunicon = gunicon;
            pump.currentWeaponText = currentWeaponText;

it’s checks for the weapon type and assignes the variables to the script
and now the gun script part (this part its the same to all)

	private void Start () {
		//Save the weapon name
		storedWeaponName = weaponName;
		//Get weapon name from string to text
		currentWeaponText.text = weaponName;
		//Set total ammo text from total ammo int
		totalAmmoText.text = ammo.ToString();
		//Set image
		gunicon.sprite = gunimage;
		//Setup pos
		mainbone.localPosition =;
		mainbone.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0,0,0);
		transform.localPosition = mainbonepos;
		transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(mainbonerot.x, mainbonerot.y, mainbonerot.z);
		//Weapon sway
		initialSwayPosition = transform.localPosition;

		//Set the shoot sound to audio source
		shootAudioSource.clip = SoundClips.shootSound;

i tried to make the weapon script assign on start , it didnt work if you where wondering
Here is a video demonstarting it:

Instead of assigning the variables from the Weapon script , i will get the variables from the weapon script in the gun script or directly from the controller and it works!

I am not sure about the gun script , you can give direct reference to that.
