Is this part of the Unity source code publicly available? Any way to access it?

After two years of developing an app, I am crippled as Unity has apparently decided they will not fix the long broken TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput function as described here .

This is obviously devastating to me and not an acceptable dead end to a project after two years of invested time. I am therefore going to have to try to figure out the solution myself or hire someone to do it.

I am trying to figure out first if this code is publicly available. The only thing I can see is this:

Setting TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput = true is meant to globally move the input field of the TouchScreenKeyboard in Android devices off screen. It is according to Unity documentation impossible to truly get rid of the objects. However, this is meant to be a way to (partially) move them off screen so it appears as if they are gone. This is just fine as a solution in principle, except that is only partial and they are not moving all the objects off screen.

I imagine it can’t be THAT hard to fix it since the existing function is already doing 90% of the work. If I had the code to work from I imagine I or others could fix it. There are probably just some more objects that must be found and moved.

But I can’t see the code that is used to manipulate the Android objects off screen based on the TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput bool.

Is this publicly available or would I have to buy an Enterprise plan to access source code: Real-time tools for 3D, AR, and VR development | Products

Is an Enterprise plan even an option for a solo developer who is not a massive company?

Any thoughts or ideas?

you could try asking offer for unity industrial license, it includes source code access.