Just have a query about voxel games in unity, is it possible to say take a ‘component’ say of a plane or car and then have the game render it out into a second less voxel environment?
What I’m thinking would happen is the user creates their part in a grid based environment with cube blocks of various shapes, and then take the user has build with the blocks and render a single component with it that can then be used to build within a second environment that is a bit like that of KSP’s
I’ve found that asking IF something can be done in Unity is useless here. you will always get the answer Yes, anything is possible.
you may want to consider asking things like: Should I do it this way? How do I do it this way? I assume all you really want is someone to point you in the right direction of finding tutorials or assets. I’ve been trying to find this exact thing for a few weeks now. all I’ve come up with is. there are some tutorials about Modular design in unity. and there are some marching cube modifications out there like Marching Tetrahedrons.
Edit: there’s a games Planet Explorers. that does exactly this. I’d check it out for some implementation ideas.