Is Transform.Translate affected by GameObject's scale?

I’ve made an enemy logic to pursuit the player and it uses Transform.Translate to move it. It seems to work fine, but when I duplicated the enemy and only increased it’s scale, it’s getting a LOT faster than the other. If I decrease the scale, it gets slower.

So I ask: is Transform.Translate() being affected by scale? How can I resolve it? Maybe dividing speed by object’s scale value?

EDIT: as I was testing, when I disabled the Animator, the results were the opposite: the bigger the slower.

So the problem was in the Animator logic. Well, then I’m a bit confused. I’m using the Package 3d Game Kit from asset store. So does the Animator works on moving the object? I didn’t know that’s even possible.

Well, I’ve found the problem.
Yes, the Animator (Animation) can change the object’s position.
I had to uncheck the “Apply Root Motion” on the Animator so it doesn’t happen (the animations will take place without moving the object).