Is Unity 4.15 failing when creating IOS Asset bundle?

Hello All

I found what appears to be a bug in asset bundling for iOS in the new Unity 4.15 version…

I have a IOS app currently running and part of its way of working consists in downloading asset bundles to receive certain models and animations. The point is that this was working perfectly until I upgraded from 4.0f to 4.15, and now the new Asset Bundles created in Unity 4.15 IOS are not working properly in the device inside the built App, although it works in the Editor.

The IOS APP I am mentioning was build with Unity 4.0f, the immediately previous Unity version.

The only way I have to turn this back is to use the old version to create the Asset Bundle, obviously this is very inefficient.

I am almost sure you’ve got a bug on this, in fact, this appears to be a big one, I would like to know if:

a) Did you notice about this? Is there a possibility that I am doing something wrong? (I am using the same way as always, only difference using it on Unity 4.15 or previous, and obviously, I am in Unity IOS mode when making the bundling)

b) Are you planning to solve it in a new patch? This issues is making me think in coming back to 4.0f version. I would be happy to help if you need more info.

Have a good day.

Thank you!

So, if your app is built using 4.0.1f2, then it can only load asset bundles built with Unity 4.0.1f2. If you have upgraded to Unity 4.1.5f1, and are building asset bundles using that version, then your application will need to be published using 4.1.5f1. (I guess I would ask why you’ve upgraded.)

In words, an application cannot load asset bundles built with a later version of Unity.

This is certainly not a bug. An it’s absolutely certainly not a big one.

a) Yes, you are doing something wrong.

b) No, it’s not something that will be solved. It’s like saying “my application build using Unity 4.0 cannot load asset bundles built using Unity 42.0, from the year 2113”. That’s because when 4.0 was created it knew nothing about the features and file formats that Unity will be using 100 years later.

Thank you Graham, I understood.

About why my upgrading option: In my particular case this is not a problem because I detected the issue soon iand I am always aware of keeping my older Unity versions active. But, this can be a source of problems for other developers, because this problem is unwarned and undocumented on Asset Bundling docs.

In my humble opinion this operational mode is not the best one, and could be worth to review it in order to enhance the Asset bundling operational, IMO, AB is one the most strong points I see in Unity for long term and big projects, forgetting this issue we are discussing, that I am pretty sure it has an easy solving.

I disagree a bit with your time metaphor. We are not talking about a 1980 version and a 2040 version, we are talking about Unity 4.0.1 and Unity 4.1.5, about six months of difference, even when you open the project with each one of both versions, the system doesn’t ask you to upgrade-downgrade (something that its certainly happening with Unity 3rd generation and 4th) , also you can export packages without passing an upgrading process between Unity 4.0.1 and Unity 4.1.5… so the Asset Bundle incompatibility is a particularity (I guess I would ask why this difference), not warned and not documented anywhere. It would be enough to warn about it on the current documentation to avoid other developers future misunderstandings.

In a web version, of course, this is not a problem, but in an IOS App currently on sales it is a big issue, because upgrading the build means to ask the user to download it again. So, again, in my opinion, Unity should think in a way of exporting asset bundles to old builds, perhaps adding some parameters, to enhance developers to upgrade meanwhile the old ios builds are on Apple Store an Google Play.

I must say, to finish this discussion, this is just a constructive opinion, and that I am a big fan, and a happy client of Unity.

Again. Thank you very much.