Is Unity 5 support multi-touch(e.g. Input.touch) directly in windows 8.1/10 standalone application?

Hi, is Unity 5 support multi-touch(e.g. Input.touch) directly in windows 8.1/10 standalone application? Or I need to use additional multi-touch script that sell on asset store? I’m planning to run the application on the PC with a touch-screen display monitor. Thanks.

This is currently broken in Unity 5.3.4 and the Unity 5.4 beta in the editor and player. I’ve logged a bug with Unity about it. If you actually build to Windows the touch screen or surface tablet works fine. It’s still better than deploying to Android or iOS to test touch, but far from ideal.
There was a checkbox on it that made it compatible with PC. Similarly, the standalone controller had a box that made it work on mobile. I don not know if this is still the case.