Is Unity a good choice for creating a learning development environment?

I am currently interning for a business that would like to explore Unity in the context of learning development. This means that instead of tanks driving around or a character shooting at others, the ideal purpose would be for character dialogue and interaction - including the player working with interactive whiteboards or computers. Can anyone shed some light on if Unity is an appropriate and/or efficient program for this purpose? Does anyone know of any businesses using Unity for learning programs as opposed to war/adventure video games? Thank you in advance!

Unity is used for many things besides “war/adventure” games! See here for just a handful of examples:

But, it is ultimately a game engine - it is optimised for 3d graphics, physics simulation, navmesh traversal, networking, and terrain etc. You wouldn’t really be making the most of it if the only features you were using were some simple dialogue trees and interactive whiteboards.