Is Unity going in real 3D on N3DS?

It’s awesome that the ASP Technologies made Flash support for Unity. The question is, will unity make also Dual Screen and 3D Screen, just for N3DS games. Hoping next year this extension for unity will come out one day. Everything is possible!!!

  • Felipe

It would have to make financial sense for Unity to commit engineering and support time. If that platform is/becomes very very successful maybe they’d look at it. It’s nowhere near as popular as Mac, PC, Web, Android, iOS, etc. That said, if the N3DS could run Flash content, maybe you could port a Flash build to it.

Unity probably will not be coming out with something for N3DS because to make a game for the N3DS, you would need the hardware to do it like the game card, and the device that could transfer the game data to the card.