I inquire to Unity3d game engine itself.
Is it good?
Then, why major facebook game maker does not use unity?
Why they all use flash?
Web game does not fit 3d game’s capacity?
And/Or what reason?
I inquire to Unity3d game engine itself.
Is it good?
Then, why major facebook game maker does not use unity?
Why they all use flash?
Web game does not fit 3d game’s capacity?
And/Or what reason?
There are 3 reasons I guess:
Unity definitely is good to create facebook games if you have a 3D concept etc, CMUNE with their online “shooters” has shown that quite well I think with several hundred thousand players over facebook, myspace and other paths
Yes I know well about uberstrike, but I don’t see any other successful unity3d facebook game.
And, then if for making 2D game, flash is better than unity?
Gameloft recently released NOVA Elite on Facebook with Unity, probably one of the highest profile ones I’ve seen… I actually play it sometimes; its not bad.
For 2D, Flash is not needfully better, but much more widespread, you find more work force etc for it, there are more books etc and it has tools better suited at it (EZGUI and SM2 and ragespline are great, but not up on par with flash, but unlike flash they run on the gpu and worlds faster than flash <= 11 will ever run in 2d)
There’s a search bar for a reason.
But yes, Unity is perfect for making Facebook games- there are many on there that use unity.
I have heard that unity is going for a flash plugin based system wherein you don’t need to install unity webplayer plugin instead installed flash would do fine… anyone has news when is that feature coming out???
In a future release of Unity 3.x.