Is Unity3d the answer for my game concept?

I’m building a turn based trading card game and I’m trying to understand the Unity3d model. If anyone could help me answer these questions it would make my research a little easier. :slight_smile:

  1. IAP (In-App Purchasing) Service: Does Unity take a portion of these sales on top of Google/Apple?
  2. Will I be able to use IAP with a WebGL project? If not, could I use Amazon’s payment services?
  3. Would I be able to implement my own personal authoritative service? Is it as simple as using the WWW object?
  4. Is the Multiplayer Service a P2P service?

1: As far as I’m aware no. I haven’t personally used the IAPS, but I haven’t read or heard anything about them taking money from it either.

2: I heard the IAP system now has Amazon, so you MAY be able to use WebGl, you’d have to find out, as Amazon feature is new.

3: Yes you can make authoritative stuff, but not sure if WWW can do it. hvne’t used it much, but sockets are for sure an option. Such as Photon Server (not to be confused with Photon Unity Networking) is an external server where you can implement your own authoritative stuff. So it may have to MAYBE be an outside thing, but it can definitely be done.

4: You have multiple choices, you can I believe do a P2P, but from what I know, uNet now has Master Servers as well, or you can connect to the uNet Cloud Services I believe.

But I’m not 100% sure how accurate what I am mentioning. Just giving from my experience, which I hope is helpful and correct. Hopefully someone else may come here and either say I’m correct or give you a better suggestion.

Thank you so much for the reply!

I think I’ll need to continue my research on understanding the server portion of Unity. I need to figure out how to connect to a database and run all my game logic on the server. What type of server it is I still have yet to determine.

I don’t know too much about implementing Multiplayer in a game. I believe my original approach would have been similar to a Master Server. I brought up Unity’s Multiplayer Service because it looks affordable for a trading card game with a low request count.

Unity IAP is mainly for existing app stores and not a payment provider so you would need to find an existing micropayments provider for web and use their custom api.

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Quick note, the new/current way to issue HTTP requests is UnityWebRequest, not WWW.

Thanks! It sounds like if I build a WebGL project nothing would prevent me from using another payment provider.

Thanks! You saved me valuable research time.

Do I need the Pro version of Unity to use this feature? Or am I confusing this with sockets in Unity?

Negative. All special features that were once pro should now be good to go. If it don’t work, get in touch with Unity.

And please next time, don’t post multiple posts back to back. If you must add or change anything, please press (“Edit”);

Sorry about that N1warhead, I updated my response.

So theoretically I should be able to host and deploy a game with my own authoritative server with the free Unity solution?

IIRC Blizzard’s Hearthstone is made with Unity. Go figure. :wink:

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Right, there’s no reason any Unity project can’t call out to any server you set up. My own game is heavily dependent on database and server-side REST API calls.